The Hound\'s Helm

Material: Wearable fiberglass with operable jaws
Weight: approx. 6810 g
Stand Material: Silkscreened wood with Clegane sigil
The Hound\'s Helm
Cena s DPH

Deatil The Hound\'s Helm

Dodání cca měsíc

Obj. kód : 40253

Na této stránce najdete :

One of the most vicious warriors in Westeros and former bodyguard to King Joffrey, the Hound abandoned his master and is currently at large in the Riverlands. Few are foolish enough to seek the bounty for him. This adult collectible is officially licensed from HBO®'s hit series Game of Thrones® and is an edition strictly limited to 2500 pieces. It includes a display stand and a certificate of authenticity.

The Game of Thrones® Collection is a series of collectible weapons and armor painstakingly recreated from the actual props used on HBO®’s hit fantasy epic Game of Thrones®. The officially licensed collectibles are made from the highest quality materials and have been crafted with special attention to reproduce the authentic details found on the props.

This item is not a toy, please keep out of the reach of children. This replica helm is intended solely for display purposes as a collector's item.

Obj. kód : 40253

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