Expendables Giant 30cm-Triple Kunai Set

Expendables Giant 30cm-Triple Kunai Set
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Deatil Expendables Giant 30cm-Triple Kunai Set

Doba dodání 1-2 měsíce

Obj. kód : 82201

Na této stránce najdete :

“The Expendables” is a hard-hitting action/thriller movie about a group of mercenaries hired to infiltrate a South American country and overthrow its ruthless dictator. Once the mission begins, the men realize things aren’t quite as they appear, finding themselves caught in a dangerous web of deceit and betrayal. With their mission thwarted and an innocent life in danger, the men struggle with an even tougher challenge – one that threatens to destroy this band of brothers. These Expendables Kunai throwing knives are an authorized licensed reproduction of the actual filming props used in the movie. Actor Jason Statham’s character, Lee Christmas, uses these knives with exceptional accuracy in numerous different scenes in the movie.

United® Cutlery, the industry leader in fine licensed film replicas and collectibles, has recreated these movie props with amazing accuracy. The set features three perfectly balanced throwing knives constructed of single pieces of anodized stainless steel. Each thrower measures 30 cm long and features an anodized double-edged, stainless steel blade with a black cord-wrapped handle with a finger hole. Included is a custom nylon sheath with leg strap for multiple carrying options. Each knife bears a laser-etched logo and includes a Certificate of Authenticity.

Overall Length: 30 cm
Blade Length: 15 cm
Blade Width: 4 cm
Handle Length: 15 cm
Blade Material: AUS-6
Handle Material:Cord-wrapped
Sheath: Nylon belt sheath
Weight: 220 g per knife with leg strap and belt loop

Obj. kód : 82201

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