Hissatsu Folder assistant

Výrobce: CRKT
Hissatsu Folder assistant
Cena s DPH

Deatil Hissatsu Folder assistant

cca 6 týdnů

Obj. kód : S80612

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James Williams is actively involved in teaching Military special operations and government security professionals who must at times perform their daily high-risk duties in environments which do not allow them to carry firearms or a large fixed blade knife such as the Hissatsu™. At training sessions and demonstrations, they have asked James to design a folder with the defensive power of the Hissatsu that can be a concealed carry in a pocket or clipped comfortably under a jacket. The result is the CRKT Hissatsu™ Folder. Blade length is 9.8 cm, which is safely under the legal limit in most jurisdictions, while blade finish is non-reflective black Teflon® coating.

The blade shape is a classical Samurai design which gives outstanding penetrating power as well as exceptional slashing performance. We have used our premium AUS 8 stainless steel for the optimum in strength and edge-holding ability with very good stain resistance.

For rapid deployment, we have incorporated our patented (1) OutBurst™ assisted opening mechanism which instantly springs the blade fully open after you have opened the blade approximately 30 degrees. To meet jurisdictional regulations, the OutBurst mechanism can be quickly disabled with a single setscrew.

As the blade is opened it locks automatically with our patented (2) AutoLAWKS™ safety. This makes the Hissatsu Folder a virtual fixed blade, which is important in high-stress rapid-deployment situations.

We have used a heavy-duty version of our stainless steel InterFrame build with beefy 0.15 cm 420J2 stainless steel liners, one locking, and black Zytel® scales, textured to provide a secure grip. A thumb disk allows rapid opening with either hand, and the custom Teflon®-plated stainless steel clip can be quickly and easily mounted right- or left-handed with a single screw, yielding a knife that is truly ambidextrous.

Here’s a tactical knife for the professional that is overbuilt to last. For those who have a need to use it, this is as much defensive security as you can find in a tactical folder.


Blade: Length: 9.8 cm

Thickness: 3.8 mm

Steel: AUS 8, 58-59 HRC

Closed: Handle length: 12.7 cm

Open: Overall length: 22.2 cm

Weight: 164 g

Obj. kód : S80612

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