
Výrobce: CRKT
Cena s DPH

Deatil M.A.K.-1

cca 6 týdnů

Obj. kód : S80620

Na této stránce najdete :

James McGowan is a professional firefighter in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Due to his passion for the outdoors, he started making “hard working knives” and joined the Canadian Knifemakers’ Guild in 1998. Drawing from his extensive real-life fire and rescue experiences, he has designed the CRKT production M.A.K.-1™ and Extrik-8-R™ emergency rescue tools, based on the day-to-day needs of professional firefighters, rescue workers, EMTs, police Special Response Teams, and military operators.

The M.A.K.-1™ (Multiple Access Knife) is a rescue and rapid entry knife, made of tough 3Cr13 stainless steel. It has a blunt chisel pry-bar tip for opening doors and windows and a Razor-Sharp knife edge suitable for heavy cutting or hacking tasks. The heavily textured and grooved G10 scales offer an aggressive grip and allow control when wearing gloves. They can be removed for cleaning.

The M.A.K.-1 gives two window-breaking options. A twist breaker groove allows controlled breaking of automobile side windows, while a carbide tip butt breaker allows smashing of building windows or automotive back glass. An 8mm groove functions as a wrench for disconnecting GM-style side terminal batteries. A reflective orange paracord lanyard is included. The satin finish M.A.K.-1 2050 comes complete with a custom Cordura® sheath which will hold a shove knife and an Extrik-8-R™ tool.


Blade: Length: 7.6 cm

Thickness: 5.0 mm

Steel: 3Cr13, 52-55 HRC

Weight: 283 g

Knife: Overall Length: 25.4 cm

Sheath: Cordura

Weight: 91 g

Obj. kód : S80620

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