Triumph N.E.C.K. cord wrap

Výrobce: CRKT
Triumph N.E.C.K. cord wrap
Cena s DPH

Deatil Triumph N.E.C.K. cord wrap

cca 6 týdnů

Obj. kód : S80576

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Every professional operator knows about those situations when their primary weapon cannot be used, whether due to surprise attack, proximity of bystanders, equipment malfunction or lack of ammunition. Pat Crawford designed the Triumph N.E.C.K.™ (No-nonsense Emergency Compact Knife) for just those occasions.

Both Triumph N.E.C.K. models are based on the same beefy 0.36 cm thick blade used on the Triumph Folder. In this case it is a full-tang skeletonized design, with recurved dual-grind Tanto to aid cutting and a false top edge grind for penetrating power. We offer two different knife/carry systems.

Triumph N.E.C.K.™ Cord Wrapped. The deluxe system includes the knife with a non-reflective black EDP coating, cord-wrapped handle, the custom Kydex sheath and belt clip described above, and a MercHarness™. The olive drab nylon paracord wrap gives excellent feel and grip, and terminates in a fob.

The MercHarness, designed by George Matheis, is a revolutionary new way to carry fixed blades. The harness is a length of mil-spec paracord, gutted so it is flat. Soft rubber keepers allow adjustment of the harness even when wearing it. Users just tie the cord through the eyelets of the Triumph N.E.C.K. sheath and slip the MercHarness over their shoulders for comfort and concealability under uniforms, tactical vests or even T-shirts. Drawing from the MercHarness is lightning quick with either a cross draw to the forward grip, or a same-side draw to a reverse grip.

Both combinations are exceptional values. You decide whether you need the minimal and very flat satin model 2030, or the grip and comfort of the cord-wrapped 2030CW. Think of them as little insurance policies.


Blade: Length: 70 mm

Thickness: 3.5 mm

Steel: 3Cr13, 52-55 HRC

Knife: Overall length: 165 mm

Weight: 96 g

Sheath (Included with knife)

Material: Kydex

Overall length: 100 mm

Width: 64 mm

Weight: 23 g

Weight with clip: 71 g

MercHARNESS™ (Included with 2030CW)

Material: Nylon Paracord

Weight: 14 g

Obj. kód : S80576

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